It’s a day-trip destination for many Colorado River whitewater rafting trips hiking up from the eddy at River Mile 157.
BEAVER FALLSīeaver Falls is a series of four to five cascading waterfalls, occurring at the confluence of Havasu Canyon and the dry Beaver Canyon, about 3 miles down canyon from the Mooney Falls. Mooney Falls is not safe to swim behind or under as it has a dangerous recirculating current. Since then the route has been improved by the introduction of pieces of rebar and the occasional chain handrail. Descending Mooney is a tourist favorite today, requiring agile adventurers to climb down the same rock face chipped out by Humphreys. It wasn’t until Alphonso’s brother, Mat Humphreys, returned in 1883 that the current descent route, involving two tunnels through the travertine and 100 feet of ladder-like rock scrambling, was blasted into the rock surrounding the falls. At that time this section of the canyon was mostly inaccessible. A former sailor who came to the canyon as part of Alphonso Humphreys’ mining party in 1880, Mooney attempted to descend the falls to discover the riches the party was sure laid within the then-little-traveled lower canyon. “James” Mooney who, in 1882, plummeted to his death over the side of the falls.

Situated about one mile from Havasu Falls, it marks the end of the Havasupai Campground. Mooney Falls is the tallest of Havasupai’s waterfalls at just under 200 feet. Havasu Falls is the visitors’ favorite and most crowded due to its close proximity to the campgrounds and ample space for lounging, sunbathing and swimming. Havasu Falls used to be called Bridal Veil Falls in the late 19 th century when its flow stretched horizontally across the entire cliff of travertine you see today.

Picnic benches dot the dirt-and-rock shore while cottonwood trees shade several smaller waterfalls below the picturesque landmark. It is 100 feet tall and cascades into a crystal blue-green pool just a 5-minute walk from the Havasupai Campground and about 2 miles from the Village of Supai. Havasu Falls is the most well known of the Havasupai waterfalls. Here’s the scoop on each of Havasupai’s major waterfalls from the guides that have been venturing into the canyon for almost two decades. If this Grand Canyon waterfall oasis is on your Bucket List, you’ll want to make sure to see the best of the best. Hiking to the waterfalls of Havasupai, whether your goal is to see Havasu Falls, Mooney Falls, Beaver Falls, or the newer waterfalls created from the 2008 flood, is an adventure everyone should experience.